Therapist Match Tool

Take the quiz below to see if Dr. Ward's approach matches your need

A. I would appreciate direct feedback even if I might not agree or find the feedback upsetting.

B. I would prefer a therapist who won't provide feedback I find upsetting and/or who attends to my feelings even if it slows my progress.

A. I want to work with someone whose work had led to consistent results for many clients.

B. I prefer to try out multiple therapists in order to find one that I think will work for me.

A. I would like to work with someone who values quick results. And who will push me to make the changes I want to make.

B. I would prefer to work with someone who works at a slower pace and gives me ample time to address the concerns I have.

A. I want to move beyond managing my symptoms/problems and look at the core issues that are causing my symptoms/problems.

 B. I would prefer to focus on my symptoms and learn techniques to help me better manage my symptoms. 


A. I would prefer to work with someone who understands how core issues leads to behavioral symptoms. 

B. I would prefer to work with someone who specializes in address symptoms and limits their work to this task

A. I see therapy as a form of personal development and an investment and would be willing to pay more/pay privately for services that lead to improvements in my life.

B. I see therapy as strictly a medical service and feel that insurance is the best way to pay for this.


If most of your responses were A, you will likely find Dr. Ward to be a good match for you and your style. 

If most of your responses were B, you would likely benefit from working with a different provider.